Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I found the episode and the movie to be very dramatic, thus they related. Although I did not feel they truly related because of the pace. I found the pace of the episode to be rather quick; maybe because it was for television, while the movie, Women Under The Influence, was a lot slower; again maybe because it was a movie. Murder for Credit, seemed very scripted and formulated. I guess what i am trying to say is; theres a beginning scene, introduction to the murder case, the investigation, the arrest, the pleed of guilt, and the end. While Women Under the Influence seemed to have a unique plot. One thing I enjoy about the television show and the movie, they were shot beautifully, great natural light and depth of field in the camera.


As I mentioned earlier, Murder for Credit, followed a formula, a beginning scene, introduction to the murder case, the investigation, the arrest, the pleed of guilt, and the end. While Women Under the Influence had a similar movie plot, although the way the movie actually played out was some unconventional in my eyes. I think having a formula for television is great! The audience can follow what is going on, if one were to change it each episode people would be lost. Where as a for a movie, people are expecting twists, although they do expect to see a beginning, middle and end. The stuff between can be all sorts of mixed up, this in my eyes makes a movie great. I’m sure Cassavetes wanted to break away from this formula after working x amount of television episodes; who wouldn’t.

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